God's Wisdom and My Rights

Patrice McCormac
1 Corinthians 9:1-23

Paul contrasts the wisdom of the world where its all about me and my rights with the wisdom of God where something greater is going on.  Paul was so gripped by the Gospel that he felt it was worth setting side all of his rights in order to more effectively preach the Gospel.

Living the Already, Not Yet

Ben Foust
1 Corinthians 6:1-20

Worldly wisdom says our bodies are our own to do as we like, but Godly wisdom says our bodies were bought with a price and our bodies are spiritually significant as we are His agency in this world.

Failure to Discipline: The Wisdom of the World Strikes Again

Patrice McCormac
1 Corinthians 5:1-13

Church discipline is not unloving because its goal is to motivate the the one in the wrong to repent.  It is loving because it protects the integrity of the spiritual community before the eyes of the watching world.

The Mind of Christ

Ben Foust
1 Corinthians 2:6-16

God's wisdom is what matters, not worldly wisdom.  Ben describes six keys to knowing God's wisdom.  It is for the mature. It is distinct from the wisdom of man. God's wisdom is revealed. It is conveyed through the agency of the Holy Spirit.  It is possible for humans to speak God's wisdom as His agents.  And finally, The Holy Spirit helps us to discern what is truly wise.

The Foolishness of God's Wisdom

Patrice McCormac
1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5

Paul, exasperated, asks the Corinthians why they would return to the foolishness of the world's wisdom after having been rescued from it by the power of God.