Labor Day

Conrad Hilario
Matthew 11:28-29

Labor Day was created to celebrate the Labor Movement but now is more seen as a day to relax and rest from the demands of work. The modern world is full of demands and pressures that cause many of us to work hard to to live up to a standard, to prove we are enough and even determine our identity. But Jesus offers a better way. Jesus offers rest from the weight of sin, worry, and anxiety. His rest offers a secure standing before God and relief that our identity is anchored to something stable.

Connecting with the Lord in the Midst of Parenting

Rosy Talarzyk
Matthew 11:28-29

As parents, we are so focused on helping our children grow physically and spiritually, that sometimes we neglect our wellbeing. Rosy Talarzyk shares her experience learning to stay close to Jesus in the middle of the ups and downs of parenting. We need to continue to grow with the Lord as much as our kids do. Knowing God not just for what He can do for us but for who He is in His own right. Are you making maturity in your relationship with God a priority for you and your children's sake?

Humility or Anxiety

Chris Hearty
1 Peter 5:5-7

There are some who say the underlying cause of all sin is pride. The opposite of pride is humility. Without humility, we develop anxiety. Peter tells us to clothe ourselves with humility because God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. God gives us the choice between keeping our pride (and anxiety) or receiving grace and having God carry the anxious burden for us. Jesus took upon Himself the ultimate burden for us on the cross.


Ben Foust
1 Peter 5:5-7

Paul writes to Christians who are experiencing persecution, raising up the importance of humility--being willing to be "lower." He gives us 5 directions we should "clothe ourselves in humility": under God, toward those "over" us, toward those "under" us, toward one another, and toward God in the specific condition of anxiety.

Battling Negativity

Conrad Hilario
Philippians 4:8-12

Paul instructs us in Philippians 4:8 to focus our minds on a list of very positive things. He is not expecting us to ignore negatives. He is commanding us to dwell on the positives to combat our negative bent. There are a lot of negative things in a fallen world and it is too easy to focus on them but Christians should be the most optimistic people in the world. Three things we can do to combat negativity are seek God's perspective, acknowledge out lack of control, and express gratitude.

Wealth, Anxiety, and the Eternal Perspective

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 6:24-34

It's easy to put things like material possessions above God, thinking that they will make you happy. But Jesus says putting God first, investing His priorities, will allow Him to take care of our needs and will fulfill us more than any other goal we might have. This approach promotes a healthy basis for self-worth and also resolves the problem of anxiety.

Biblical Provisions for Handling Anxiety

Ben Foust
Philippians 4:4-9

The Bible acknowledges that anxiety is a part of the human experience. It also does not condemn all forms of anxiety. It is good to have concern or care for others. Pride and trying to control things that cannot be controlled drives much of our anxiety. The Bible does offer provisions for combatting the undesirable forms of anxiety. We cannot choose our circumstances or our feelings, but we can choose our attitude about them. We can humbly acknowledge God's sovereignty and prayerfully tell God about our fears, give thanks for his promises, and ask for what we need.

Spiritual Wealth in a Time of Financial Volatility

Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 1:1-14

Even as our economy is rocked by the coronavirus crisis, God is offering us a spiritual wealth that is totally secure and far more precious than money. What are some features of this spiritual wealth? Why is it so important, especially in a time of crisis? How can we lay hold of it? Join us as we explore the apostle Paul's answers to these questions.

The Family of God - Prodigal Son

Ryan Lowery
Luke 15:11-32

We are living during a time of great confusion and fear. In times like this, we wonder where God is? How can God allow things like this to happen? Jesus gives us a clear example where we learn what God is really like. He is our loving father who allows us the freedom to make mistakes but welcomes us home into His embrace when we choose Him. We are the family of God with a loving father, and when times are tough we need to come together as God's people to show His mercy and His love, to those who feel isolated and alone.