Feeding the 5,000

James Rochford
John 6:1-15

When Jesus fed the five thousands, He was doing more than feeding hungry crowds.  He was offering the crowds the Bread of Life so they would never hunger again and He was teaching the disciples that serving others, although rarely easy or convenient, is very fulfilling.

I Am the Bread of Life

Scott Risley
John 6:25-69

Jesus asked the the crowd why they were there and were they hungry.  The crowd was hungry for regular bread and wanted to see a miraculous sign, but Jesus wanted to give them the bread of life so that He could fill the God-shaped hole in their lives.

The Wedding at Cana

Dennis McCallum
John 2:1-11

When Jesus turned the water into wine, the miracle was a sign to turn away from external ritualistic washing of the outside of the body and toward being internally washed clean by God through Jesus.