Global Partnership Fund

The Global Partnership Fund is the primary way in which Dwell financially supports our Global Partners. The interactive chart below gives the financial status of each of our Global Partners. Dwell has committed to funding multi-year projects for each of these ministries.

Donors have the option to give to a specific Global Partner or to give to the undesignated fund. Maintaining an undesignated fund balance is essential for the following reasons:

  • We can direct undesignated money to our partners at the beginning of the calendar year, providing adequate time to raise funds to operate their ministries.
  • Maintaining a balance in the undesignated account allows us to transfer money, if necessary, to our partners. Shortfalls can occur throughout the year or at year-end. The undesignated fund enables us to meet these needs without disrupting the ministry.
  • The undesignated fund allows us to respond to new initiatives throughout the year.

In addition to the $892,500 in the Global Partnership Fund, the Dwell General Fund contributes $269,870 to these ministries.